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General Assembly

Committee history:

The General Assembly is one of the six main organs of the United Nations with 193 members in which all  have an equal vote and meet in this unique form every year in September in order to discuss global controversial issues about security, economy, peace, international law, amongst others.

The first session of the United Nations  General Assembly was conveyed on  January 10th,1946 in the Methodist Central Hall in London and included members of 51 nations.

Topic: Economic and Social Imbalance due to Overpopulation of Prisioners.

Over time, there has been a radical increase in the worlds prisoner population, directly or indirectly affecting the society on security, economic and social terms creating an imbalance in countries, structures and people’s lives.
In order to reduce prisoner overpopulation a number of nations had committed heinous acts against these prisoners such as genocides, taking their organs to sustain other prisoners and violating the human rights and integrity of these people causing insecurity on streets, a lack of economy flow, among others. The United Nations is alarmed and creating awareness but also taking action in order to solve this problem by protecting prisiones and civilian lives that are being affected by the acts that their government is committing against their security. All this makes these problems the main ones in need to solve immediately.

Topic: Development of Modern Ethos in Future Generations and Job Replacement.

As time passes the human being evolves and with it the world in which it develops evolves too. Artificial intelligence and technology has been one of the main things that human beings have used to facilitate their day-to-day tasks. The application of technology has made human work more efficient, this has increased production and has improved services, on another hand the application of technology and artificial intelligence has been a threat to the world, human work has been replaced by machines, it is known that for every 5 jobs 3.5 of them will be taken by technology. There is Increased production at the expense of an affected society.
The application of technology in jobs is very important for the development of a modern ethos, but at the same time the displacement of  workers is a rising problematic to attend.

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