International Court of Justice
Committee history:
The International Court of Justice is currently the most important judicial organ; it was created in June 1945 based on the Charter of the United Nations.
Likewise, this committee ́s duty and responsibility is to maintain peace between countries, helping them with legal problems and their disputes such as the adressed topics in this years’ model.
Topic: India vs Pakistan: Armed Conflict and the Use of Violence during the Dispute Over the Territory of Kashmir.
India vs Pakistan: armed conflict and the use of violence during the dispute over the territory of Kashmir.
Kashmir borders India, Pakistan and China. Out of its thirteen million habitants, it is known that the vast majority of them are muslims; so it stands out that in 1947, this land was ruled by a hindu naturalized man.
As the Indian Declaration of Independence was introduced, this country had the possibility to decide which country it wanted to be part of: India or Pakistan. Harry Signh decided to be part of India; this event has provoked several armed conflicts between the two mentioned nations.